Personal Loan

Uwezo Financial support and provide personal Loans to all TAG Church members


Check your eligibility

Read the checklist below to know if you’re eligible to get this loan package

 What is needed to be eligible to take a Personal Loan:

  • Must be a TAG Church Member
  • Must be 18 years old or older

Documents required for loan

The following is the checklist for all documents needed for Personal Loan.

  • Risiti za mafungu ya kumi (zaka)
  • Stakabadhi ya malipo ya mshahara kwa wafanyakazi (miezi 3)
  • Dhamana ya kadi ya gari au hati ya nyumba
  • Makadirio ya mtiririko wa fedha kwa angalau mwaka mmoja (wajasiriamali)
  • Taarifa za hesabu za Bank kwa miezi mitatu
  • Picha (passport size) kwa muombaji
  • Barua ya utambulisho kutoka serikali za mitaa
  • Barua ya utambulisho kutoka kwa Mchungaji wa kanisa unaloabudu.
  • Ada ya maombi ya mkopo TZS 10,000/=
  • Gharama ya mchakato wa mkopo uliopitishwa ni 2%
  • Riba ya mkopo ni 2% kwa mwezi
  • Nakala ya cheti cha ndoa
  • Barua ya maombi ya mkopo ( Itaje Kiasi, Lengo la Mkopo na muda wa marejesho)
  • Ada ya Mwanasheria TZS 20,000/-
  • Gharama ya bima ya mkopo 0.75% kwa mwaka

Interest Rates

Here are the cost and interest rates for personal loans with tenure Up to 24 Months.

Interest Rate 2% per Month
Processing Fee Upto 2% of loan amount
Loan Tenure Up to 24 Months
Lawyer Fees 20,000/-
Pre-payment Charges 10,000/-

Ready to Apply ?

Download an application form or apply online today.

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Its easy to apply online. Get your application completed any time.

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Get Answers

Have a question? Simply send us your enquiry and we’ll get back to you.

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Call us

We’re available on +255 784 605 327 if you would like to apply over the phone or have a question.

Call us: +255 784 605 327

Ready to get started ?

Speak to Uwezo Financial +255 786 670 921
